
From the day you start work to the day you retire, superannuation contributions form the basis of a great financial plan. The favourable tax concessions on contributions and investment earnings make it an attractive structure for growing your wealth. When you are starting out, building your super contributions gives you a powerful way to take advantage of compounding returns.

As you move through your working life, you can look at more sophisticated strategies for accelerating your super through salary sacrificing or self-managed funds. In the approach to retirement, you can take further advantage from strategies that provide more tax benefits in the transition to retirement.

Our strategic advice can be an invaluable tool to help you identify the benefits available to you and position your investment strategy to securely build your superannuation portfolio.

Let’s take a closer look at how you can benefit.

Superannuation guarantee contributions

Employees can boost their super

Self-employed enjoy tax deductibility

Consolidating your super

Taking advantages of government incentives